Friday, August 12, 2011


Wood is a fantastic example of xylem, which is a transport tissue in plants that transports mainly water and other nutrients. Wood absorbs water and transports it throughout the tree.

Thorn of a plant

Thorns are hard structures that have pointed ends that usually reside on the stems of plants. Here they lie on a rose bush.


A spore is a reproductive structure used to disperse and survive in unfavorable conditions. Spores are seen here on the back of this fern preparing to reproduce.


Phloem is plant tissue that carries the plant's essential nutrients, or food, to where it needs to go. On trees, bark acts as phloem transporting nutrients around the tree.


This very odd looking caterpillar on the side of my house is known as an insect. This is merely the larval form of what is to be a butterfly or moth, which the characterization of insect applies to. An insect is an arthropod with a head, thorax, and abdomen. While the caterpillar may lack these characteristics, butterflies and moths do not.

Long day plant

Clover is known as a long day plant because it requires fewer than a certain number of hours of darkness in a day, and has a specific required amount of sunshine.


Gastropods, or organisms with "stomach feet", are snails and slugs. Snails are defined as gastropods that carry a shell on their back large enough for the softest parts of the snail to withdraw into.

Fruit - Fleshy with Seed

This apple has a soft and pulpy wall, making it a fleshy fruit with seed shown.


This crab has an exoskeleton, or external skeleton that supports an animal's body.


Otis here is a eukaryote, for he is a complex organism made up of eukaryotic cells, or cells with a nucleus enclosed by a membrane.

Epithelial Tissue

Skin is a fine example of epithelial tissue, for it is a group of tightly clustered cells that form a layer to cover the surfaces and cavities of the body. Epithelial tissue lies on top of connective tissue, as skin lies over muscles and ligaments.


The starfish is of the phylum Echinodermata, having spiny skin, and pentaradial symmetry, or five sided symmetry. The starfish has a unique water vascular system known as the "ambulacral" system, which assists it with locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange.

Deciduous Leaf

The term deciduous means "falling off at maturity". Therefore, as these leaves fall off in autumn when the sunlight starts to decline, this tree is deciduous, losing its leaves when they have matured as it no longer needs them.


Commensalism is a relationship between two organisms where one benefits and the other is unaffected. Here, barnacles have taken up residence on the shell of this snail. The snail is essentially unaffected but the barnacles have achieved a solid surface to stick to as well as transportation.

Conifer Leaf

The leaves of this conifer evergreen tree are coniferous because they are long, thin, and have needle-like in appearance.


Chitin is the main component of the cell walls of fungi. This mushroom's cell wall is composed almost entirely of chitin.


Jellyfish belong to the phylum cnidaria, which is characterized as marine animals that have barb-like cells known as cnidocytes for capturing prey. Their bodies are made of a thin jelly-like substance.


Moss is a bryophyte because it is a plant that lacks vascular tissue like that found in a deciduous leaf.


This bush is an autotroph because it is a plant and creates its own food through photosynthesis.


This butterfly is an arthropod because all insects are considered arthropods, due to the fact that they have segmented bodies, exoskeletons, jointed body parts, and are invertibrates,

Animal that has a Segmented Body

This hermit crab's body is divided into segments as seen in its appendages and claws, therefore having a segmented body.


Amylase is an enzyme contained in spit and saliva that is used to break down food. Everyone has amylase in their mouths to help dissolve food.


Actin is a protein found in all eukaryotic cells. As meat consists of countless eukaryotic cells, actin must be contained in meat.

Adaptation of a Plant

This seaweed exhibits the adaptation of a plant because the stem at the bottom has developed in order to anchor the plant onto a solid surface such as a rock. This keeps the seaweed from moving violently and allows the part with the most surface area to absorb the most sunlight by floating towards the sunlight.

Adaptation of an animal

The flounder shows adaptation of an animal because it has adapted to its environment using camouflage, hiding itself from its predators. Also, over time, the eyes of the flounder have been relocated so that they both reside on one side of its body in order to have optimum vision while resting on the ocean floor.